Where Is My Csr for Certificate in Whm

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How to install an SSL certificate on WHM?

In this quick guide, you will learn how to install an SSL certificate on WHM (Web Host Manager). Whether you're a root administrator or have reseller privileges, the installation process is the same. First, you must generate a CSR (Certificate Signing Request) code to activate your SSL certificate, and, only afterward, configure it in WHM. As a bonus reading, we also added a brief history of WHM and several tips on where to buy the best SSL certificate for a WHM server.

How to generate a CSR code in WHM?
Install an SSL Certificate on WHM
Test your SSL installation
WHM history and versions
Where to buy an SSL Certificate for a WHM server?

How to generate a CSR code in WHM?

The CSR code is a plain text file which includes details about your domain and organization. Think of it as your application form to the CA when applying for your SSL certificate. Follow the instructions below to create your CSR code:

  1. Log into your WHM account
  2. Go to the SSL/TLS section and select "Generate an SSL Certificate Signing Request"
  3. Now, submit the information about your company

    Note : Make sure to tick the "When complete, email me the certificate, key, and CSR" checkbox.

  4. Provide a valid Email Address to receive the certificate files
  5. From the Key Size drop-down list choose 2,408 bits (Recommended)
  6. In the Domains field enter the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) you want to secure. For instance, www.ssldragon.com

    Note: If you bought a Wildcard certificate, add an asterisk in front of the domain name. For example, *.ssldragon.com.

  7. Fill in the fields as shown below:
    • In the City field, enter the full name of the city where your organization is legally registered. For example, Seattle
    • In the State field, provide the official location of your business. For example, Washington
    • In the Country filed, use the drop-down list and select the country of company's origin
    • In the Company Name field, type the legal (official) name of your organization. If your SSL certificate is Domain Validation, enter your full name or domain instead
    • In the Company Division field enter the name of the division responsible for SSL certificate management. For example, IT or Web If you have a Domain Validation certificate, but there is no IT division, type NA (not available)
    • In the Email field provide an accessible email address so that the CA can use it to verify and validate the domain ownership
    • The Passphrase field is optional. We advise you to leave it blank, since it's no longer in use, and creates only confusion among users
  8. Double-check the info you've entered and click on Create
  9. Congratulations! You've successfully created the CSR code and the private key. You've also generated a self-signed certificate, which you don't need (self-signed certificates are not trusted by browsers). Now you can use the CSR code during your order process with SSL Dragon. After you receive the certificate from CA, continue with the installation.

Install an SSL Certificate on WHM

  1. Log into your WHM dashboard
  2. Find the SSL/TLS section and, within it, click Install an SSL Certificate on a Domain
  3. A new window will open. Follow the examples below to fill in the available fields:
  4. In the Domain field, enter the domain or subdomain you want to protect
  5. Leave the next IP Address (non-user domains only) field blank
  6. In the Certificate field, paste the content of your SSL Certificate file (the one you received from CA via email). You need to extract the file from the archived folder and use a text editor such as notepad to copy-paste the entire content
  7. In the Private Key field, add the key that you created along with the CSR code generation. You can use the autofill feature if you generated the CSR in the same WHM account. The Private Key is available to you only. If you have to paste it manually look for the file containing the —–BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY—- and —–END RSA PRIVATE KEY—- tags
  8. In the Certificate Authority Bundle (optional) field, copy the CA certificates that you received from your SSL provider. Look for *.ca-bundle extension in your archived folder, and paste its entire content in the CA bundle box. Make sure you paste all the certificates in the correct order
  9. Once you've filled all the fields, click Install.

A message window should greet you, confirming the successful configuration. If you encounter an error, repeat the SSL installation process.

Test your SSL installation

After you install an SSL certificate on WHM, you can scan your SSL configuration for potential errors and vulnerabilities in a matter of seconds. All you have to do is pick one of these highly efficient SSL tools and get instant SSL status reports for your website.

WHM history and versions

WHM (Web Host Manager) is one of the most popular and flexible web hosting control panels used by server administrators and hosting resellers to manage resource intensive websites or hosting accounts. WHM provides access to the back end of cPanel, both platforms sharing the same history, developers and releases. Within WHM, server admins can create or delete cPanel accounts, manage SSL certificates, DNZ zones, and authentication methods.

The original author of Panel and WHM, John Nick Koston, created the platform for Speed Hosting where he had a stake in. While the hosting company is now all but history, cPanel/WHM has gradually become a worldwide success. Below you can find the latest cPanel/WHM releases. Here you can find a full description of the available changelogs.

  • cPanel & WHM version 76
  • cPanel & WHM version 74
  • cPanel & WHM version 72
  • cPanel & WHM version 70
  • cPanel & WHM version 68
  • cPanel & WHM version 66
  • cPanel & WHM version 64
  • cPanel & WHM version 62
  • cPanel & WHM version 60
  • cPanel & WHM version 58
  • cPanel & WHM version 56
  • cPanel & WHM version 54

Where to buy an SSL Certificate for a WHM server?

You've already reached the destination! Here, at SSL Dragon, we offer the widest range of SSL products at super low prices. All our certificates are compatible with WHM and are suitable for a variety of projects. Browse the list below to find the SSL type you need:

  • Domain Validation
  • Business Validation
  • Extended Validation
  • Wildcard
  • Multi-Domain
  • Code Signing
  • IP Address
  • Email/Documents

If you don't know what certificate to buy, or struggling to find the ideal product for your site, our easy-to-use, and intuitive SSL Wizard and Advanced Certificate Filter tools will make the search more efficient and enjoyable.

If you find any inaccuracies, or you have details to add to these SSL installation instructions, please feel free to send us your feedback at [email protected]. Your input would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.

Where Is My Csr for Certificate in Whm

Source: https://www.ssldragon.com/blog/how-to-install-an-ssl-certificate-on-whm/

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